Thursday, December 9, 2010


Singapore island has a diverse Flora and a Limited Fauna. Subsequent posts I will be displaying the subjects as seen through my Lenses.
Keep visiting folks.......

Cap With Feathers - Sketching by nature

While roaming around in the wilds, I happen to spot an interesting subject- SKETCHING BY NATURE, tried to shoot one, welcome your reactions...


A Celebration of Light in its own stride, which can be better visualised than describing. Some photographs....for your critical comments..

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Kite Festival

Kite Festival as the name suggests is a festival of Kites, Making and flying kites all sort of designs, sizes colors and more interestingly people from different parts of world


In Singapore many religious festivals are observed, mainly Chinese New Year, Hari Raya, Deepawali and Christmas.
Besides these religious fests, there are many celebrations observed as festivals, to name a few as;
Spring festival, Kite Festival, Ilite Fest.. and so on......

I will try to showcase these fests and snapped by me in my subsequent posts...
I would welcome your crtical comments on my snap efforts, for improvments in my subsequent photo efforts......